Our Artwork from South Sudan

The South Sudan Artists

James Aguer Garang

Santina Moya Caesar

Clement Ochan

David Solomon Oniba

Sarah Juma Angelo

Deng Cho

Alison Ruben Sirigi

John Okolong

In our gallery below, we feature a curated selection of the South Sudanese paintings from 2015 and 2021 telling the story of a contextual cycle of violence. This cycle originates from self-harm, extends to harming others, and portrays methods to break free from this pattern.

Breaking the Cycle of VIolence

Breaking the Cycle of VIolence

The portrayal of Somalia in newspapers and social media is often negative, with little attention given to the cultural practices that promote healing. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt a strength-based, healing-centered approach that highlights the positive and healthy practices that exist within everyday Somali society.

Hurting Self - Hurting Others

Hurting Self - Hurting Others

Some of the visual images are violent. As part of the truth-telling process of a violent society, community members involved in the adaptation process acknowledge that including images that may be uncomfortable is crucial. They believe that such images document the harsh realities of people's lived experiences.

“Art is the pulse of a nation; it reflects its history, its struggles, and its aspirations.”

— Kofi Annan